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Health Guarantee

This puppy has been vet-checked, and by all appearances is in perfect health. He/she has had a series of puppy shots and has been wormed several times.

This puppy is guaranteed for its first full year of life against life-threatening, congenital anomalies, for example: liver stent, hip dysplasia, or a defective heart. If this puppy develops such a congenital anomaly within the first year of life, I will replace the puppy with a male/female of equal value. I will not be responsible for medical treatment to cure such anomalies. 

The vet who diagnosed such an anomaly will be required to write a description of the case on formal business letterhead and be available and willing to discuss the issue with my vet. 

However, if you decide to keep the said puppy, a partial refund of the original price may be made after I have reviewed the case. In the event of death, the puppy must be autopsied by a certified vet, with tissue samples, etc., being sent to a laboratory for analysis stating the cause of death.

This certifies that the new owner has been warned about the possibility of hypoglycemia, (low blood sugar). Death or injury caused by hypoglycemia shall be the sole responsibility of the new owner. 

Injuries that occur after the ownership is transferred are the sole responsibility of the new owner. For example, if the puppy is hit, dropped, kicked, stepped or sat on, or mauled by another animal, any of which may result in physical problems such as seizures, injured joints, and/or death.

Here at Contented Puppies, we are committed to raising the finest, healthiest puppies possible and therefore feeding Life’s Abundance Dog Food. It is all-natural, high quality, with only premium ingredients and has no fillers or by-products, best of all, Life’s Abundance has never had to issue a recall. 

We highly recommend this food and because of all the recalls by many of the large dog food companies in the last few years, we do require that you feed Life’s Abundance to your puppy for its first year of life for our Health Guarantee to be valid.

This guarantee is extended to the original owner only and is non-transferable in the event you resell your puppy.

Please give me the opportunity to repurchase your puppy if you are no longer able to own them.

Judy Leiva