Here is what it looks like on picture-taking days. These cute little ones are having all their photos taken individually for the website. It’s a great day for Ashley, our youngest daughter, to run and play with the cutest. She also pretends all sorts of things such as in this moment, she is mommy with all her babies.
Life gets challenging and very interesting as she tries to give each one the attention they want. These are unforgettable moments of wonderful fur baby play, teaching her gentleness and some mommy skills for her future.
The puppies absolutely love the attention. Yorkies and Morkies are never-ending balls of energy that will play as often as you like. The fact that they are highly intelligent and sensitive to mannerisms also means that they are able to calm down if they sense that play is not appropriate at a given moment. That doesn’t necessarily translate to posing for pictures, but it sure helps when a fur baby’s mommy or daddy is just too tuckered out to play!
Ashley is the best fur baby socializing girl in the family and loves every minute of it. We also enjoy knowing that this hands-on time really contributes to our puppies being ready to live in homes with very little adjustment. We consistently get feedback about how our puppies have integrated with their new families, and it is wonderful to see that the hard work we put into socializing our puppies pays off… even though it never really feels like work when you’re playing with such wonderful puppies!